
项目位于古有“天子脚下”之称,今有“京南明珠”美誉的固安县境内,紧邻大厂高速和106国道,牛驼镇金海街温泉休闲商务产业园旁,在建的知高路可直达大兴国际机场。结合固安县悠久的历史文脉,以“一街 · 两桥 · 四堂 · 八景 · 百院”,通过“意境”的表达,打造“京南”的“千里江山图卷”— 回归诗意栖居的生活情境;由醒然在目的“物境”,到触景生情的“情景”,再到感悟心灵的“意境”,这正是层层递进的中国传统美学意蕴所在。以物为基础,又得以超脱的心态和神韵,从视镜到悟境逐渐递进的过程,与道家哲学“物我两忘”和禅宗思想的“即物本无”的观点趋同。

This project “Hot Spring & Peacock Garden” has its site at Niutuo Town, which is just on the outskirt of Beijing. In ancient times, it’s only “a foot away from the emperor”. The location, known as a part of Guan County, “pearl of south Beijing”, has easy access to Dachang Motorway and Motorway 106. And Zhigao Road will connect it directly to Daxing International Airport when the road is completed. Next to Niutuo Town’s Hot Spring Resort, hot spring & peacock Garden has gold pitch and posh hotels around it. Fresh food can be served from Food Base of Central Party Securities Bureau, which make their food from geothermal energy. The concept of this Garden consists of “one road, two bridges, four squares, eight views and hundred units”. With this, we are aimed to draw a picture of the view of South Beijing, of mountains and rivers last miles. We want residents here can enjoy the feeling of back into poetic living. Such a poetic living area can only created by the artistic use of different conceptions.This has three layers: the creation of particular landscape; the landscape moves people; and it further inspire you to think and understand. These three processes are actually the heart of Chinese arts. In other words, everything starts with the outside world. With the landscape and a free mind, you learn from the world and know better the world and yourself. This is in line with Tao’s idea of “Oblivion of world and yourself” and Zen’s “The world is of Nothingness”

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